What is a career page?

A career page is an extremely important and valuable asset for the business organisation, looking for the best candidates to join their team.

It is a perfect catch for the employees and employers to acknowledge the parameters they want to have in their job roles or positions and in the company they want to join.

Top candidates always have a standard approach to knowing why they should apply to your company through the best career pages:

  • What can you offer them?
  • What are your company values?
  • What is it like working for you?
  • Why should they choose you over your competitors?


Why is a good career page important for a website?

59% of the candidates visit company’s career page after discovering a job posting or offer.


The very first step of employee interaction with your company is through a great career page. Speaking a lot about employee brands of tech companies, the entire page sets a great example to inspire many recruiters in the same league.

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What should a careers page include?

A careers page design is the one that talks for you. Making this hiring page informative and cool and summarising all you want to say to applicants can greatly attract candidates to your company.

🛠️ Want to automatically generate content for your careers page? Try our free Ai careers page content generator here.

What can you include in the company career page design?

Define the Job Role & Be Creative

Make the job search prompt clear and specific about job seekers’ roles and responsibilities. Using creative copy to list job openings aiming to hiring potential candidates in attractive templates can create a central message for potential employees.

Be Energetic to Showcase Office Culture

Using an energetic tone in job alerts to encourage visitors can be a smart move to seek the attention of potential applicants. Images, graphics, and videos are included to showcase the perfect story on the best company career pages.

Past Employee Reviews

Talk about office life, healthy work-life balance, attractive benefits, and remote working options for potential employees.

Job Alerts & Regular Updates

Highlighting employee testimonials to give a personal touch can be a better idea to invite top talent on the careers site. Keep your company career page up to date and make it well laid out for current job openings. Don’t forget to list and add a live chat option for open positions in the company.

To know more about job descriptions to attract candidates to the company careers page, check out GoHire today!

How do I create a career page?

Attract top candidates

Creating a good careers page design ensures you invite the best candidates for your roles.

Being clear on your company, available positions, and what you require from the candidate is a sure way of getting the best talent. For that, you can check the best careers page examples online.

Sell candidates on your company and beat your competitors

Use your careers page as an opportunity to one-up your competitors.

Research your competitors’ pages and make sure you are more robust in the information they lack.

This may be the one thing that makes a candidate apply to your company over theirs.

Want to know how career page design works? Check GoHire for free today!

Create a good candidate experience

Candidates want the ease of use and a streamlined job application.

60% of job seekers will quit filling out an application due to its length or complexity. (G2.com)

Making your application simple whilst including all the information a candidate needs creates a good candidate experience.

In fact, check out GoHire’s article; it gives you a complete run-down of what to include in your job descriptions and applications to create the best careers page examples for recruiters.


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